counsellor , coach,


Allan's unique 3-hour sessions for BDP are the BEST VALUE & most exceptional in Toronto

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healing at the conscious and subconscious levels

Allan Clews has 34-years of experience & his unique 3-hour sessions go so much deeper than regular therapy.


When a close family member was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder in 2011, Allan set about studying everything he could about BPD. This included learning about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) — the only tool that has been clinically proven to help those suffering from BPD.


When working with his clients, he not only follows the conventional DBT approach, but also adds a whole new level of mindfulness training (that comes from 42-years of working with advanced forms of mindfulness), along with hypnotherapy, and a dash of spiritual and metaphysical insight. Making his approach totally unique.


His 3 hour sessions COST LESS than a single hour with a clinical psychologist and cover so much more and go so much deeper.



Allan understands the  confusion & despair that comes with living with BPD and does not just limit his contact with you to your weekly sessions — but is also available for one 15-minute phone call, three emails and a daily text, between sessions, so that you are not left stranded between your  appointments.



Hypnosis is the only therapeutic technique that communicates directly with your subconscious mind: the hidden part of your brain that controls everything from the speed at which you heal, to your beliefs and emotional state.


It has been proven to help dissolve negative self-talk and create deep mental, physical & emotional changes at the subconscious level and transform the way you live.



Allan  focused on mystical psychology for his degree from York University. Then he spent 3-years studying eastern religions at Carleton University (including one year at the graduate level) — before delving into the Judea-Christian Bible at the University of Ottawa for a degree in Religious Studies.


He has a deep understanding of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Sufism & Shamanism.


He has spent time in a Buddhist meditation group, danced with the Sufis, attended Hindu Pujas, gone on Shamanic Journeys, participated in Esoteric Christian services, and is a member of a local yoga studio.


And he has found that many of those suffering from BPD have a deep thirst to lead a more spiritually fulfilling life.


Allan's DBT Skills Posters

healing at the conscious and subconscious levels

Allan Clews has 29-years of experience & his unique 2 & 1/2-hour sessions go so much deeper than regular therapy.



ALLAN's unique 3-hour sessions for those suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in Toronto COST LESS than a single hour of talk-therapy with a clinical psychologistand are designed to facilitate deep mental, physical, emotional & subconscious healing.


As a Master of Mindfulness (practicing for 42-years), and Professional Hypnotherapist (34-years), Allan is able to focus his attention in a laser-like fashion and step up into an awakened state to help you during your sessions.


Allan claims that his higher self is really in control when he is with you. Making him part questioner, part counselor, part coach, part friend, part hypnotherapist and part mystic. He will see a twitch in your face, or hear a change in your voice — and just know this indicates something important and follow this subconscious cue, to help you better understand yourself.


Each week he will spend 2-hours really getting to know you and analyzing what is happening in your life — before he  moves to 1-hour of hypnosis to harness the immense power of your subconscious mind to help you bring about real change and deep healing.


And due to the destructive emotional turmoil that is often a part of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Allan will ALSO be available between your weekly sessions so you can call, text, or email him if you are experiencing a crisis.*


He will help you lead a deeper, healthier, more fulfilling life. One with greater depth and meaning. Contact Allan today to embark on your journey of healing & self-discovery.






Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of focused concentration that allows you to make accelerated changes in the older, emotional and subconscious parts of your brain. There are three proven hypnotic techniques that can really help those suffering from BPD.


First, what you imagine in the hypnotic state is encoded in your brain as if it were a real memory. So you can mentally rehearse future events so that the next time you find yourself in that situation, your subconscious will have the tools to deal with it in a healthier way.


Second, when you enter the hypnotic state, you have access all your memories going back to childhood. This is where Allan verges on being a magician, because he can help you locate those key memories in your life, when something got broken inside you, and help you to repair them.


Third, when you enter into the hypnotic state, you have much greater control over your own physiology and can use sensory-rich, healing visualizations, to retrain your body. So if a harsh word triggers your fight-or-flight mechanism — and floods your body with adrenaline, cortisol and other anxiety-producing biochemicals — hypnosis can help you retrain your subconscious, so that you respond in a healthier fashion.


Allan has pioneered a unique approach that uses counseling, coaching, mindfulness and hypnotherapy in his weekly 3-hour sessions that cost less then an hour with a clinical psychologist to help those suffering from Boarderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in Toronto.




ALLAN's unique 3-hour sessions for those suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in Toronto COST LESS than a single hour of talk-therapy with a clinical psychologistand are designed to facilitate deep mental, physical, emotional & subconscious healing.


As a Mystic & Master of Mindfulness (practicing for 42-years), and Professional Hypnotherapist (34-years), Allan is able to focus his attention in a laser-like fashion and step up into an awakened state to help you during your sessions.


Allan claims that his higher self is really in control when he is with you. Making him part questioner, part counselor, part coach, part friend, part hypnotherapist and part mystic. He will see a twitch in your face, or hear a change in your voice — and just know this indicates something important and follow this subconscious cue, to help you better understand yourself.


Each week he will spend 2-hours really getting to know you and analyzing what is happening in your life — before he  moves to 1-hour of hypnosis to harness the immense power of your subconscious mind to help you bring about real change and deep healing.


And due to the destructive emotional turmoil that is often a part of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Allan will ALSO be available between your weekly sessions so you can call, text, or email him if you are experiencing a crisis.*


He will help you lead a deeper, healthier, more fulfilling life. One with greater depth and meaning. Contact Allan today to embark on your journey of healing & self-discovery.







Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of focused concentration that allows you to make accelerated changes in the older, emotional and subconscious parts of your brain. There are three proven hypnotic techniques that can really help those suffering from BPD.


First, what you imagine in the hypnotic state is encoded in your brain as if it were a real memory. So you can mentally rehearse future events so that the next time you find yourself in that situation, your subconscious will have the tools to deal with it in a healthier way.


Second, when you enter the hypnotic state, you have access all your memories going back to childhood. This is where Allan verges on being a magician, because he can help you locate those key memories in your life, when something got broken inside you, and help you to repair them.


Third, when you enter into the hypnotic state, you have much greater control over your own physiology and can use sensory-rich, healing visualizations, to retrain your body. So if a harsh word triggers your fight-or-flight mechanism — and floods your body with adrenaline, cortisol and other anxiety-producing biochemicals — hypnosis can help you retrain your subconscious, so that you respond in a healthier fashion.


Allan has pioneered a unique approach that uses counseling, coaching, mindfulness and hypnotherapy in his weekly 3-hour sessions that cost less then an hour with a clinical psychologist to help those suffering from Boarderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in Toronto.